Parish Council News

Parish Clerk Number


Please find the Parish Clerk mobile number 07388368213, leave a message between Monday - Friday and will aim to get back to you within 48 hours. Alternatively, please email the Clerk at

Update on Ockley Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan June 2022

There is now a separate tab for all information regarding the Plan.

Please see Menu tabs at the top of the page.



Future MV Local Plan

You are probably aware that MVDC have issued a proposed regulation 19 draft of the proposed new local plan and that a consultation period has been agreed to run from 20 September to 7 November 2021.

Future MV - draft Local Plan consultation

Ockley Parish Council has responded to the consultation - please see attached document

The draft Local Plan (called 'Future Mole Valley') sets out how development in Mole Valley will be planned over the next 15 years and identifies locations for new homes and other development, whilst continuing to protect the countryside.

Ockley Parish Council asks you to respond to this consultation.

Consultation period - 3 February to 23 March 2020

Consultation event - Friday 21 February 2020 at Ockley Village Hall, 3 to 7 pm

Freedom of Information Act 2000

Information available from Ockley Parish Council under the Model Publication Scheme

Download a pdf file: